domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015



The bad health service in pereira:

In pereira the service is too bad because the people go because is very bad and the service because don't have money to pay the treatment say that go in other moment and then the person goes in other moment and the service said the same that the first thing and they make this to a point that the person get worse and died. They make this too because the people of the service don't have a good implements required so they can't attended.

Solution: So our solution is to send a cart to a company that can help us telling they how is this situation and if they can help us like to solucionate this.

Conclusion: So in conclusion i think that this is a very sad and bad thing that  it need to be solucionated fast because the people is very affected by this problem because the service always said that the can't attend they to a point that the person died



Kidneys: Kidney is the organ that help filter waste products from the blood.

Main functions:

-Waste  excretion
- Water level balancing
-Blood pressure regulation
-Red blood cell regulation
-Acid regulation

The kidneys are bean shape, they are about 5 inches each one and are located in the back of your abdomen.

-Blood clothing disorders
-Decresed blood flow used by  bad blood  pressure
-Autoimmune kidney disorders
-Urinary track infections
-Complications of pregnancy

-Urinary Bladder



Is a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a complete organ.

Connective tissue: A tissue  usually of mesoblastic origin that connects, supports, surrounds other organs etc

Epithelial tissue: Any animal tissue that covers a surface or lines a cavity , and that in addition performs any pf various secretory ,transporting or regulatory system.

Muscular tissue:  A tissue characterized by the ability to contract upon stimulation.

is a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a complete organ.

Nerve tissue: A highly  differentiated composed of nerve cell,nerve fiber, dendrites and neuroglia.



: Nutrition its the way living things obtain and use food and a good nutrition means getting the right amount of nutrients from healthy foods in the right combinations.

Types of nutrients:  

MACRONUTRIENTS: Are the chemical substances present in food that are used by living thins. And are the nutrients needed in large amounts.

MICRONUTRIENTS: Are the nutrients needed in minuscule amounts.

ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS: Substances must be obtained in a diet that the body cant make  it in sufficient quantity to meet it needs.

NON ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS: Are those nutrients that can be made by the body. 
This nutrients  we needed in minuscule amounts.

Food pyramid: 

The food pyramid is a pyramid like the name said that it function is to show like in the biggest part of the pyramid the more important food that a person required and when it gets smaller the food that you need to consume in a minuscular portion:

Balanced Diet:

Carbohydrates: Between 6-7 a day
Vegetables and fruits:  Between 5-6 a day 
Dairy food and protein:  2 portions at day
Fats: 1 at day

Authotrophs: Is any organism capable of self-nourishment by using organic materials.
Heterotrophs: An organism requiring organic organic compounds for its principal source food


The cell:

The cell is basic building blocks that all livings things need to have because without cells we can't live; The cells give us structure for the body, take in nutrients of food, convert those nutrients in energy, carry out specialized functions, etc


1) Cell Wall: The cell was is the one that surrounds the cell and that provides and maintain the shape

2) Cell membrane: Is the one that allows the passage of certain substances, and protects the surround of the cell

3) Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm is the jelly substance that  contain all the cell and it help to maintain all the organelles in it places.

4) Nucleus: Is like the brain of the cell, and is the DNA responsable for its unique characteristics.

5) Nuclear membrane: Is the one in charge of maintain the DNA inside the nucleus to protect some surrounded substances and regulate what materials can exits the nucleus.

6) Nucleolus: Is the one that create the ribosomes and RNA responsable of transportation protein. And is located inside the nucleus

7) Chromatin: Main function is to pack DNA into small volume to fit into the nucleus of a cell and protect the DNA structure.

8) ER: Is the one in charge of transporting proteincarbohydrates to the other organelle.

9) Ribosomes: If the cell need to make the protein, it looks for ribosomes that are the one that create the protein.

10) Mitocondria: Is the power house that provides the energy to move, divide, produce secretory products .

11) Vacuole: Is like the digestion of the cell that help it to throw waste products.

12) Chloroplast: Is the one that responsible for the plants green color and the ability to absorb energy from the sunlight this organelle is only in the plant cell.

13) Golgi body: Responsible of throwing or sending packages of protein in or out the cell.

14) Lysosome:  Intracellular digestion serves to kill and digest bacteria.

15) Centriole: Is the one responsible of cell division and it is only in animals cell.