Types of nutrients:
MICRONUTRIENTS: Are the nutrients needed in minuscule amounts.
ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS: Substances must be obtained in a diet that the body cant make it in sufficient quantity to meet it needs.
This nutrients we needed in minuscule amounts.
Food pyramid:
The food pyramid is a pyramid like the name said that it function is to show like in the biggest part of the pyramid the more important food that a person required and when it gets smaller the food that you need to consume in a minuscular portion:
Balanced Diet:
Carbohydrates: Between 6-7 a day
Vegetables and fruits: Between 5-6 a day
Dairy food and protein: 2 portions at day
Fats: 1 at day
Authotrophs: Is any organism capable of self-nourishment by using organic materials.
Heterotrophs: An organism requiring organic organic compounds for its principal source food
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